Roji Episodes: Increase Your Value to Patients and Purchasers
As insurers create narrow networks based on cost, and Medicare moves towards paying major specialty procedures by bundled payments and capitation, your ACO or medical group must be armed with the actionable data to optimize the cost of care. Roji Episodes give you the analytics and patient cases to steer your Value to the top. Turn fragmented patient service data into standardized patient episodes to see cost variation and cost drivers.
Build an Excellent and Collaborative Specialty Referral Network
In specialty procedures and treatment management, Roji Episodes create common ground for ACO and referring physicians to collectively examine episode data to see trends and create actionable strategies to impact cost and outcomes. For specialty groups seeking to improve your financial position under health plan contracts, Roji Episodes are the currency for the group to internally monitor costs and outcomes as you begin to undertake risk arrangements.
Engage Physicians in Costs
Over half of physicians say that they have never seen their own patient cost data. With physician engagement a critical strategy for affecting cost and quality, Roji Health Intelligence helps you give physicians the tools to trust data through learning.
Roji Health Intelligence enables your physicians to engage with their own results by populating sample cases in personal or practice registries for review and discussion. Stimulate discussion of what’s working or what needs fixing with relatable patient cases that physicians can recognize.
You can decide the engagement rules for your physicians—use involvement as a measure of engagement and reward it or customize content specific to your environment and objectives.
Build Episodes Around Your Priorities
Roji Episodes can be built with your own data for internal analysis of clinical cases and costs, or with provider and claims data with an expanded view for value-based payment models. You can start with your own data, and we will help you expand when more data is available.